Florida Lawyers Mutual believes that a good lawyer is a happy and healthy lawyer. Our team is dedicated to promoting lawyer well-being in all its facets — personal, professional, physical, mental, spiritual, social, emotional, and beyond.
As a Florida lawyers’ professional liability insurance company, we recognize that issues of mental health, depression, anxiety, and work-life balance are at the root of many of the Errors & Omissions claims brought against Florida lawyers. Even more importantly, those issues may be responsible for alarmingly high rates of loneliness and unhappiness in the field. In other words, these issues are personal and real. They impact the members and the communities we serve. It is our call to rise to the challenge, doing our part to bring on a new dawn in the practice of law, where success is defined by a whole person’s experience of life not by billable hours or by the metrics of their career.
Our team is continually at work on new resources to help Florida lawyers find peace, fulfillment, and happiness in their everyday lives. It is our hope that these resources will provide meaningful utility to our members, inspiring fresh perspectives on the “lawyer life” here in Florida.
Florida Lawyers Mutual resources | Florida Lawyers Assistance resources | The Florida Bar resources | Institute for Well-Being in Law resources | American Bar Association resources | National Helplines, Support Groups & Emergency resources
Florida Lawyers Mutual Resources
Playlist for Florida Lawyer Well-Being: We put together 160 songs to motivate and uplift Florida lawyers — including 35 new tracks for 2024, in celebration of our 35th anniversary — streaming on your music platform of choice: Spotify, YouTube, or Apple Music. Read why we picked our favorites, tell us which ones we’re missing, and transform your workday with the sounds of encouragement.
Ready..Set..Connect: As lawyers, there are so many kinds of connection that matter to our everyday lives.
Wheel! Of! …Emotion!: Emotions. They are the invisible driving force of humanity — ineffable, inescapable, and sometimes seemingly impenetrable. They reside within the very core of who we are.
Why a “Do Nothing Day” is Hard Work: I’ve noticed that a new kind of holiday has emerged since the onset of the pandemic, and perhaps fittingly, it’s catching on at viral speed: The Do-Nothing Day.
Walker, Florida Lawyer: What follows is not a litany of the ways that exercise is good for a lawyer’s body and mind.

SHOCK— Florida Lawyer Claims to Have Social Life, Colleagues Remain Skeptical: Sound too good to be true? Studies reveal that a lot of lawyers are lonely — most of them, in fact. Making friends as an adult can be difficult, especially when you have one of the busiest jobs in the world. This article explores the problem and equips Florida Lawyers with strategies for overcoming lawyer loneliness.

What Your Dirty Dishes Can Teach You About Work-Life Balance: When we take small bits of time throughout the week to tend to life’s “little necessities,” we find more of the time, energy, and focus we need for the big things when they come around.

Florida Lawyers— Why Your Emotion May Be Your Most Important Client: When it comes to IQ, lawyers are second to none. EQ, though? Well, we hate to tell you what the studies say, but…

A Personal Growth Guide for Lawyers: From movies and music to literature, comedy, and beyond, we’ve thought up all kinds of ways to enrich your life by expanding your horizons.

Aligning Your Who and Your Do: While work-life balance is a worthy goal, what we all really want is work-life alignment. This article can help Florida lawyers reframe the way they think about their jobs while resisting any assumptions about “the right type” of lawyer personality.

The Florida Lawyer’s Guide to Slaying Stress: Of course, no one ever really gets rid of stress. We just learn to recognize it, process it, mitigate it, and recover quickly so that it cannot steal our joy. Here’s how science says we can do that.

How Florida Lawyers Can Grow Themselves into Happier Beings: Let’s look at a few ways Florida lawyers can cultivate this “atmosphere of growth” in spite of a busy life and daunting career.

How Florida Lawyers Can Be Better to Each Other: If we as lawyers recognize that we as lawyers are the problem that we as lawyers hope to solve, it seems self-evident that a solution should be within reach.

Managing Our Emotions, Do This, Not That: Even the Gandhi-est among us could surely do with a reminder or two on managing our emotions when circumstances put them to the test.
As part of our renewed focus on lawyer well-being, in Autumn 2020, we launched a brand-new blog series dedicated to “The Florida Lawyer Life.” Sunny Decisis® is your go-to guide for everything about being a lawyer other than the law. We’re adding new content all the time.
Florida Lawyers Mutual Infographics

Florida Lawyers Mutual Free CLE
Our program hosted by our very own Peggy S. Hewitt, Esq. in collaboration with our friends at Florida Lawyers Assistance covers stressors that can affect lawyers to a greater degree than other professions, and ways to address mental health and wellness. Stream now in our member-exclusive portal.

This live webinar will be presented in collaboration with our friends at Florida Lawyers Assistance (FLA), hosted by our very own Peggy S. Hewitt, Esq. Register now for this live FREE CLE webinar. Florida Lawyers Mutual members who can’t make the live broadcast will have cost-free access to the accredited program throughout its accreditation period.
Florida Lawyers Assistance Resources
Our friends at Florida Lawyers Assistance (FLA) want you to know about their many resources and services. FLA provides confidential assistance and support to lawyers, judges, and law students who have been negatively affected in their ability to function in their careers and personal lives by alcohol, drugs, mental health issues, or cognitive decline. FLA fosters identification, intervention, and recovery by providing assessments, referrals, education, and maintaining a supportive network of recovering legal professionals.
Florida Lawyers Assistance, Inc. is a non-profit Lawyers Assistance Program (LAP) formed in 1986 in response to the Florida Supreme Court’s mandate that a program be created to identify and offer assistance to Bar members who suffer from substance abuse, mental health, or other disorders which negatively affect their lives and careers (Bar Rule 2-9.11). FLA is independent of The Florida Bar.
FLA identifies “protection of confidentiality for attorneys who contact FLA for help” as its paramount value. Confidentiality in voluntary cases is protected by a written contract with The Florida Bar, which guarantees the confidentiality of FLA records, as well as by Bar Rule 3-7.1(j), Chap. 397.482-486, F.S., and other state and federal regulations. Judges, attorneys, and law students who seek the assistance of FLA need not worry that FLA will report them to the Bar, the Board of Bar Examiners, or their employer. Information is shared with these entities only if the participating individual signs a waiver of confidentiality.
FLA’s primary purpose is to assist the impaired attorney in his or her recovery. Florida Lawyers Assistance takes the firm position that substance abuse, compulsive behavior, and psychological problems are treatable illnesses rather than moral issues. They encourage lawyers in need to seek help.
Florida Lawyers Assistance is not affiliated with Florida Lawyers Mutual. However, we do applaud FLA’s invaluable confidential service to lawyers in our state. It is our pleasure to make our members aware of these wonderful and confidential FLA resources:
FLA Presents Weekly Support Group for Mothers Practicing Law in Florida

FLA Presents Weekly Lawyer Stress Relief Sessions with Dr. Scott

The Florida Bar Resources
The Florida Bar offers the following lawyer well-being resources:
- Mental Health and Wellness Center
- Florida Lawyers Helpline: 833-351-9355
- Florida Bar COVID-19 Resource Center
Institute for Well-Being in Law Resources
Created as a result of the aforementioned 2017 National Task Force report, the Institute for Well-Being in Law (IWIL) offers the following resources for lawyer health and wellness:
American Bar Association Resources
- ABA Mental Health Resources
- Well-Being Toolkit for Lawyers and Legal Employers
- Law Student Mental Health Day (October 10th)
- Substance Use and Mental Health Toolkit for Law Students
- Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs
National Helplines, Emergency Resources, and Support Groups
- Alcoholics Anonymous in Florida
- SAMHSA National Helpline
- Rational Recovery
- The Addicted Lawyer blog
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
- In the case of any emergency, call: 911