About Us
Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company is the only insurance company created by and for Florida lawyers to provide Lawyers Professional Liability (LPL) insurance to attorneys engaged in the private practice of Florida law. Our policies provide lawyers and their clients with protection for the mistakes that can happen — even to the best of us. Additionally, we provide free CLE, ongoing risk management guidance, and a robust suite of membership benefits to the lawyers we insure. Whether you have a question about your policy or need to report a claim, Florida Lawyers Mutual provide personalized and impassioned service that has become legendary among lawyers in Florida.
Our History
During the early 1980s, numerous insurance companies abandoned our state, leaving Florida lawyers without an option to protect themselves and their clients. Recognizing that this crisis exposed both lawyers and the public to high levels of risk, The Florida Bar created Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company. After creating the mutual company entity, assembling a Board of Directors, and hiring a staff of professionals, The Florida Bar unconditionally divested its ownership and terminated all operational management and control of the Company going forward.
Today, Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company exists as a mutual entity unto itself, owned entirely by the lawyers we insure. It is for this reason we refer to our policyholders as members. Our members participate in electing our Board of Directors and enjoy many value-added benefits of membership beyond the insurance policy itself.
Approved Member Benefit Provider of The Florida Bar
Florida Lawyers Mutual is proud to be an approved member benefit provider of The Florida Bar.
Will Florida Lawyers Mutual Share My Information with The Florida Bar?
No. While we are proud of our history as the only insurance company created by The Florida Bar, we also understand that The Florida Bar is responsible for regulating and disciplining the practice of law in our state. Our policies include disciplinary proceeding coverage as a standard feature. This includes disciplinary proceedings brought against an insured lawyer by The Florida Bar. In such matters, we stand by our members. Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company is a separate entity from The Florida Bar. We abide by a strict privacy policy that protects the information we may learn about our members. We do not share such information with The Florida Bar.
Our Legacy
Florida Lawyers Mutual recognizes the enduring impact and legacy of the Company’s original Board of Directors and its founding members.
In 1997, the Company joined together with other Bar-related insurance companies to form Lawyers Reinsurance Company, a Vermont-based captive reinsurance company. The formation of this company is the logical extension of the vision all the nation’s Bar-related insurance companies had when they were formed, i.e., to take their future into their own hands and provide quality protection to lawyers.
Florida Lawyers Mutual is a proud member company of the National Association of Bar-Related Insurance Companies (NABRICO).
Florida Lawyers Mutual and the Five Ws
Who We Are
A longstanding provider of high-quality Policy Features and Member Benefits with an exclusive focus on protecting Florida lawyers like you. We are the only insurance company created by The Florida Bar.
What We Do
Provide reliable professional liability insurance with personal service that no large commercial company can match.
When to Buy
The time is now. Every minute without legal malpractice insurance coverage leaves you and your clients unprotected and vulnerable to risk.
Where We Are
We’re based in Central Florida, serving lawyers throughout the entire state of Florida — and nowhere else.
Why Buy From Us
With our one-on-one personal service and coveted A.M. Best “A” rating for Excellent Financial Strength, our insured member lawyers rest easy knowing they’re in good hands if a claim comes against them.
Bonus “H”: How to Become a Member
We make it easy. Get the right coverage for your practice. Start with a quick premium indication — there’s no obligation, and it requires only a few minutes of your time.